POPE As he exits the hospital in a wheelchair and waves, Francis is a wandering Catholic.

The 86-year-old pontiff, who is in good spirits, thanked the crowd of well-wishers waiting to welcome him as he left Rome’s Gemelli Hospital yesterday, nine days after a hernia procedure.

As he leaves the hospital in a wheelchair and waves, Pope Francis is a wandering Catholic.

As he leaves the hospital in a wheelchair and waves, Pope Francis is a wandering Catholic.Source: AFP
Nine days after a hernia procedure, the joyful 86-year-old pope departed Rome’s Gemelli Hospital.

Nine days after a hernia procedure, the joyful 86-year-old pope departed Rome’s Gemelli Hospital.Thanks to AP
The Pope responded, “Still alive,” when asked by reporters how he was feeling.

The Pope responded, “Still alive,” when asked by reporters how he was feeling.According to surgeon Dr. Sergio Alfieri, his patient will be healthy enough to travel to Portugal as scheduled in August.

When reporters inquired about his health, the Pope said, “Still alive!”

“The pope is doing OK. Dr. Sergio Alfieri, the surgeon who performed the three-hour procedure on June 7, told reporters that the patient had improved since the beginning as Pope Francis got into the car.

The pontiff was eagerly photographed by visitors inside the basilica, and several spectators outside sobbed as he departed to go to his residence at the Holy See hotel on the grounds of Vatican City.

Following months of frequently utilizing a wheelchair due to a painful knee condition, Francis appeared to be walking better with the use of a cane when he had his most recent hospitalization.

He has also experienced sciatica, a painful nerve irritation that travels from the back to the leg.