According to Briana’s mother-in-law, the four words “Austin had an accident” will remain ingrained in Briana’s mind forever as she prepares to become a mother.

While driving the two hours to the hospital, Brianna’s emotions were running high and she had no idea what was wrong with her spouse. They had eagerly anticipated the birth and the arrival of the new baby, which she was carrying inside her.

His brain had bled, putting him in a precarious balance between life and death. The doctors weren’t initially sure why, though.

After conducting numerous tests, the physicians were able to explain to Austin’s family why his brain had begun to bleed in the manner that it had after ruling out narcotics as the culprit.

Her spouse had developed an addiction to energy drinks in an effort to push himself harder and put in more hours of work, especially considering the daily drive. With numerous brain operations and the potential for seizures and strokes, Austin now faced an uncertain future.

Brianna said:

But all I could see were his parents while everyone else was fixated on the nearly unidentifiable face attached to a variety of equipment and tubes.

As Brianna watched the sadness on her in-laws’ faces as they comprehended what was ahead for him, her heart was unable to emotionally withstand the seriousness of the situation.

She continued, saying:

“As she watched her motionless son lying in that hospital bed, I saw the light leave his mother’s eyes.”

“I witnessed his father sobbing openly while clinging to his wife.”

She was forced to deliver the baby alone after two weeks passed and he still hadn’t woken up.

When her newborn baby looked up at her, she sobbed with a bittersweet emotion that included both the joy of the birth and her husband’s loss.

Brianna continued, saying more:

But a wonderful miracle occurred: Austin woke up as I gave birth to our kid.

Eight months later, Brianna is caring for her baby and her husband, who has radically changed from the man she married but with whom she still finds herself falling more and more in love.

Brianna gave her closing remarks:

Love, they say, is knowing you would give up things you didn’t even realize you could give up.

Love gives of itself.