The first ultra-realistic robot artist in the world displayed her talents by creating drawings of plates, bowls, and jugs yesterday.

Ai-Da, the main draw of the London Design Biennale, also used a 3D printer to create cutlery and vases.

The festival’s organizers are hoping that Ai-Da, which was developed in Cornwall using technology from Oxford and Birmingham universities, will show how AI can enhance the arts.

From June 1 to June 25, Somerset House will host AI Mind Home as a part of the London Design Biennale 2023.

The exhibition aims to raise awareness of the potential benefits AI technologies might have on the creative and design sectors.

We recently described how the “world’s most expressive robot,” an android, greets people by smiling.

Ameca, one of the most lifelike robots to date, is seen in unsettling video interacting with visitors at Dubai’s Museum of the Future.

The incredibly lifelike robot can be heard stating “My name is Ameca” before spelling out her name. It also has the ability to grin, blink, and lift its shoulders.

She jokingly asks, “Have I won the spelling bee?”

Then, when a visitor inquires about her happiness at the event, she replies, “I’m not happy, I do not experience emotions, but I can look happy.”

And then, in a creepy moment, she muses, “Oh wait! What if I am the actual thing and you are an illusion?