According to authorities, Alexus Tanielle Nelson was initially detained earlier this week on a single charge of attempting to influence a public official.

After the 5-year-old girl’s purported remains were found in the mother’s Aurora, Colorado apartment, authorities detained the lady.

According to the Aurora Police Department, Alexus Tanielle Nelson was first detained earlier this week on a single allegation of attempting to influence a public official.

After the girl’s remains allegedly turned up in a cupboard at Nelson’s house on Wednesday, police added Thursday charges of child abuse resulting in death, tampering with a dead person’s body, and tampering with tangible evidence.

When the suspect’s mother reported that she had sent her “concerning statements” through text, police were first called to her home. She also expressed fear about her grandchild’s safety to the police.

Nelson, 27, allegedly informed police when they came that she had given her kid up for adoption but was unable to show any papers to support this claim. She was initially detained when police attempted to verify the statements with state records but were unable.

The Arapahoe County Coroner’s Office has yet to positively identify the victim, according to authorities, however the Colorado Bureau of Investigation has named the missing girl as Maha Li Hobbs.

Police Chief Art Acevedo of Aurora said, “We are very confident that this is our victim,” during a press conference on Thursday.

He continued, “There’s a good chance that murder charges will ultimately be brought.”

On a $100,000 bond, Nelson is being held.

Unknown is whether she filed a plea to the charges or hired a lawyer to speak for her.