Do you take great satisfaction in your long, healthy nails? A reliable sign of your general health is the strength of your nails. Additionally, you can enjoy maintaining your nails without worrying that they will chip off if you have strong nails. It makes no sense to have pricey salon nails done if they will fall off in a matter of days, right?

Unfortunately, not everyone has nails that are sturdy and rarely break. Because of their susceptibility, growing longer nails can be a nightmare for certain people. The good news is that by taking care of your nails and altering a few aspects of your lifestyle, you may strengthen them. Therefore, before you abandon your beautiful manicure ideas, consider these advice on how to grow stronger nails.

  1. Consume enough liquids Drink Plenty of Water Salvà

Staying hydrated is crucial for your general health in all respects, including the quality of your nails. It keeps your nails healthy from the inside out and keeps them from drying out and breaking.

  1. Minimize Your Exposure To Water Outside

Avoid soaking your nails in water or keeping them wet for too long. Keep your hands out of the tub if you’re taking a bubble bath. Additionally, if you want to take a shower, protecting your nails with petroleum jelly or olive oil will prevent them from being submerged in water for an extended period of time. Also, while doing the dishes, don’t forget to wear rubber gloves.

  1. Maintain A Healthful Diet

Maintaining a diet full of the vitamins and minerals your body need is essential. An imbalanced diet can have a variety of negative effects on your body, including the condition of your nails.

  1. Take A Supplement of Biotin

A water-soluble B vitamin is biotin. Regular use of a biotin supplement can strengthen and enhance the condition of your hair and nails. Foods including sardines, beans, and cooked eggs naturally contain it (1).

  1. Consider The Products You Use

Utilize high-quality nail paint and nail care items. Your priceless nails can be harmed, have their color changed, and become weaker due to the harsh chemicals in inferior nail care products. Use acetone-free nail polish remover as well because acetone can negatively affect your nails.

  1. Aim to avoid acrylic or gel nails

It’s not fully accurate, despite some people’s claims, that gel or artificial nails can strengthen those with weak nails. For a while, it does prevent nail breakage, however using these products frequently can cause your nail layers to peel off. Additionally, the epidermis that supports your nails may suffer damage from the UV light used during gel manicures.

Go “No Polish” Occasionally

Every month, refrain from using any nail polish or products for a few days. Your nails will be able to repair themselves thanks to all the products you have put to them.

  1. Use your fingers carefully when using your nails

To open a Coke can or raise a bottle’s lid, for example, use the pads of your fingers. Save your nails the stress and discomfort. Your nails will crack and chip if you use them as tools.

  1. Don’t Let Them Grow Too Much

Although long nails are lovely, they can be too tough to keep up with. It’s possible that you’ve seen celebrities wearing long nails at concerts and award ceremonies. Hey, they don’t always keep them that way. After the event, they’ll probably get them taken out.

  1. Take Care of Your Nails

After removing the polish, coat your nails with a hand cream or moisturizer. They won’t dry out because of this. After using a soap-free handwash, carry out this.

  1. Don’t use sanitizers excessively Avoid Using Sanitizers Too Much Salvă

Sanitizers can literally save your life. However, some of us continue to use them simply because they smell too good or because it has become second nature for us to use them even when they are not required. Your nails may become brittle and dry if you use sanitizers excessively. Therefore, utilize them wisely.

  1. Discover How To File Correctly

While the phrase “go one direction” may sound like the battle cry for the well-known boy band, it’s also something to keep in mind as you file your nails. Because these are your nails and not wooden blocks, do not file them back and forth. Be delicate and arrange them one after the other.

  1. When working with cleaning products, put on rubber gloves.

When utilizing cleaning supplies like tile cleansers and detergents, wear rubber gloves. Chemicals in the cosmetics are abundant and might damage your nails.

  1. Examine the Products You Use for Hair Care

It stands to reason that if you have oily hair, you may be using a shampoo that removes excess oil from your scalp and hair. But this shampoo can seriously harm the health of your nails. Try switching shampoos to see if it helps to prevent your nails from becoming dry.

  1. Consult your physician

If none of these solutions work, speak with your doctor and get your nails examined. It’s critical to be aware of any underlying medical conditions that may be indicated by weak nails as soon as feasible.

Don’t you think it should be every woman’s right to show off her gorgeous nails? If so, make an effort to keep them healthy and attractive! Did you experience brittle, weak nails? In what way did you handle them? Let us know about your experience in the comments.