13-year-old In the backyard, Owen overheard his 8-year-old sister wailing. He spotted a kidnapper trying to drag her towards the surrounding woods as he peered out of his window. The teen managed to foil the plot by immediately grabbing his $3 toy. The narrative is AMAZING.

In Alpena Township, Michigan, 13-year-old Owen Burns was about to start playing his PlayStation 3’s “Call of Duty: Black Ops II” favorite game when he abruptly heard his little sister screaming. She was playing and having fun in the yard when she heard the screaming. Owen hurried to the window fearing she might be in trouble, and that’s when his little heart stopped. The 8-year-old child was being dragged against her will toward the family’s front yard’s woods.

Owen picked up the $3 slingshot his mother had purchased him and sought for the closest ammunition he could find, a marble and a rock, knowing he had to act quickly. He knew he could hit the kidnapper too because he had trained using the slingshot by launching used orange cans.

Unbelievably, Owen was able to strike the abductor twice—once between the eyes and once on the chest. He was cursing. Owen informed Washington Post that he was cursing.

The kidnapper fled, leaving the girl all by herself. She was severely scarred by the experience, but at least she was saved, and it was all because of her courageous and shrewd brother.

When the siblings got home, they contacted their mother, who was helping a family member when the incident occurred. She hurried home and called the police as soon as she learned what had happened.

The suspected kidnapper was located by Michigan State Police. They withheld his name but stated that he was a 17-year-old adolescent who would face adult charges.

At a news conference, Lt. John Grimshaw referred to Owen as the person who “I believe saved his sister’s either life or from something seriously bad happening to her.” He described Owen’s efforts as “extraordinary.”

The kidnapper, according to Grimshaw’s account of the incident, “came from behind her, grabbed her like you see in the movies — hand over the mouth, arm around the waist — and was trying to pull her into the woods,” Grimshaw continued.

Maggie Burns, Owen’s mother, did not believe her son’s account that he had struck the kidnapper between the eyes and on the chest, but the police had verified it.

“[The suspect] had obvious signs of an injury consistent with those that would have been sustained from the slingshot strikes to his head and chest,” police stated in a press release.

You claimed I always tell lies. Declared Owen to his mother.

“I just couldn’t believe it,” she said in response. “Until there was confirmation, it just didn’t sound real. It sounds like something from a motion picture.

The adolescent responded, “Mom, things in movies can and do happen in real life.”

To suggest that Owen is a real hero is simple. The entire town has praised his efforts to keep his younger sister safe. Bravo, young man.